Friday, October 28, 2011

Dance Tonight

This is a reminder that that the Halloween dance is tonight! It will be at Keep Sedona Beautiful on Brewer Road from 7-9. Student Council members need to arrive by 6:30 to set-up and stay until 9:30 to clean.

We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

First Quarter Ending Means Conference Time

There will be opportunities for scheduled conferences with teachers between Wednesday, 10/19 and Friday, 11/4. Conferences with any teacher can be scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays during those weeks between 1:00 and 3:00. Conferences with Mr. Anderson can also be scheduled on MWF between 10:30 and 12:00. Conferences will last 1/2 hour. To schedule a conference, please email Mr. Anderson with a request for a date. Also, please indicate which teacher or teachers you would like to meet with, or if you would just like a conference with Mr. Anderson.

Click on the calendar below or to the right and look for available time slots.

Scheduled Lawn Maintenance Creates Opportunity

Since our lawn will be closed for healing from 10/11 through 11/11, we will have to suspend our ultimate frisbee PE class for the next month. Former SCS parent Tony Sills (his son Dylan is now at ASU!) has donated his time and energy to offer this activity and will have a well-deserved break while the lawn heals.  Tony has been occupying the time of 12 students every MWF morning and we need to fill that time with an alternative for those four weeks.

The temporary schedule change presents an opportunity for someone else to come in, clock some parent partnership hours while spending some quality time with this group of fun loving students. If you can come on MWF from 8:30 - 9:10 and help supervise a game or other physical activity or your choice or ours (that will not involve use of the grass area), please email Mr. Anderson right away.

Montessori Model United Nations

It’s time to prepare for our annual eighth grade Montessori Model United Nations trip.  The United Nations is an organization that helps people all over the world.  The United Nations Helps by giving supplies and shelter to those in need.  As you can see it’s a great organization to study, and that’s just what the eighth grade students are doing.  The Montessori Model United Nations is were students from Montessori schools all over the country come together and face real world problems.  However since the U.N. building is in New York Mr.Anderson is once again unhappy that we can only take eight eighth grade delegates. But don’t give up yet, as long as you do the U.N. assigned projects you still have a great chance of getting in.

MS trip to the Arizona Ballet on 10/20

The MS class will be going to the ballet in Phoenix on October 20 to see a performance of Cinderella. Please take a look at the Ballet Arizona website for organization performance and location info.

Departure from the school will be  at 7:30 and return by 3:15. Please email if you can drive. Please indicate how many passengers your vehicle can accommodate.

Drivers need to register with the office (copy of your license and insurance ). Thank you.