Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kids Need To Read

Everyone reading the book got their questions answered during our fun chat with PJ Harsma. Questions like “How long did it take to write the book?”, “If you were any character in the book who would you be?” and “Are you writing anything else right now?” were asked and each answered. The kids enjoyed it as more than ‘just an excuse to get out of the classroom.’

“I think everything went really well. I enjoyed it. People had some really good questions.” said Mrs. Goglin (Language Arts teacher) with a smile. The kids were all very happy to learn PJ’s favorite colors were blue and black, that he played Halo, and also works in making commercials.

PJ also mentioned writing a new book of witchery and adventure that caught the kids attention as they looked forward to its arrival. But that’s not the only book we’d been looking forward too. Kids Need To Read, an organization encouraging kids to read all over the U.S, donated a very large amount of books to Sedona Charter Middle School such as the rest of The Softwire Series, The Pendragon books, and even a few graphic novels that the middle school students are just gobbling up.

“I think these books are great. It’s good because I think these are books that everyone will love.” Mrs. Goglin said shortly after the arrival of the books. Well known book worm Zoe at Sedona Charter says she is currently enjoying the generously donated Softwire Series.

Kids Need To Read and PJ Harsma definitely had a fantastic impact on our school. We are all very grateful for the memorable experience and new books that we were given and will enjoy The Softwire Series and the many other books given to our school.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Movie Day

     This Thursday, the 29th, all of the well-behaved kids (most of the class) will be going out to see a movie!  This is the 1:15-3:15 p.m. showing of Dolphin Tale, at the sedona Harkins theater. How ever we will walk back and kids will stay 15 minutes later than usual.  Kids will need to bring 5 dollars to pay for the movie, they may also bring money for snacks at the theater.

Jumping In Head First

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Announcing the Sedona Charter MS Blog

MS Tech 0.1 is proud to introduce the long awaited Sedona Charter MS Blog. Your source of information for happenings in and out and around the Middle School classroom. Get signed up today (hint: scroll down to the bottom of the page) for automatic updates so that you do not miss a beat. 

It’s green, environmentally and visually, findable, useful and you can get to it at the touch of a button. And it’s nothing short of what a normal newsletter would be. We’ll keep you updated on upcoming field trips and what’s happening within the classroom with pictures and more! We’re striving to make this site as easy to navigate through as possible so you can get from the calendar, to the blog then back to the homepage by barely having to think about it!

 The Sedona Charter MS Web Site (links on the right) will serve as a more permanent place for specific projects and classes.

We will be participating in the 2011 International Day of Peace tomorrow September 21. Find out what that is all about and how you can be part of this event by clicking here.

Guess What's Coming To Charter

Ms. Goglin’s class has an interesting event planned this Friday, the successful author of the Softwire Series PJ Haarsma! That’s right, here at Sedona Charter School the man himself will answer the Language Art student’s questions over Skype. “I’m really excited. He’s already preparing to come. He speaks at a lot of schools. Unfortunately this one won’t be as interactive as usual because it’s over Skype, but it’ll still be great.” Says Mrs. Goglin, Sedona Charter’s Middle School Language Arts Teacher. From 12:30 to 1:30 the kids reading the book will ask PJ one question each. This is one day you won’t want to be absent for if you’re a big fan of the Softwire Series. Take a look at his bio here.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Photography class goes to Uptown!

Today, the photography class went to uptown to take some urban shots. Even though uptown isn't exactly an urban metropolis, it's as urban as It gets in Sedona!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Dance!

Our Back To School dance was a huge success. Almost Everyone who showed up had a great time, and anyone who stayed home and watched their Friday night game shows probably didn’t. Everything was a hit, there were streamers,music, lights, balloons and people! And that was only the Back To School Dance! There will be so much more, so we hope anyone who didn’t join us for this dance will join us for our future dance. Peace!

And since a pictures worth a thousand words we’ll give you a few million words.
Check out the pictures using the link below.

See the gallery of pictures here

Friday, September 2, 2011

2 September 2011 MS Announcements

Dear Middle School Families,

It has been an exciting, and very busy start to the year.  Aside from classes and several other activities, Middle Schoolers have been settling into their new schedules, contributing to the Sedona Charter School community through service work, harvesting crops from our gardens, and even learning how to handle chickens at the farm.  We are happy to have a great group of young people to work with this year; excited about the progress they have made so far; and are looking forward to what the next 8 months have in store for our community.  

The technology elective class is almost finished with the Middle School Blog.  The blog will serve as our main way of making important announcements and to communicate with you about what the Middle Schoolers have been up to.  In the next week or two, you will receive an email with a link to the blog.  In the meantime, please be aware of the following announcements:

Missing Work - Unfortunately, some students are falling into the habit of not completing their assignments.  Students have at least 4 hours of work-session time each week to complete their assignments, which should be enough time for them to complete all of their work at school.  If students are not turning in assignments, it is usually because they are not using their work-sessions effectively.  We are working hard to help our students make the most of their time at school, but if they choose not to complete all of their work at school they are expected to bring it home.  If after work-sessions and homework a student is still not completing his/her work on-time, we will be notifying you on a weekly basis and will ask for your help in addressing the problem.  Starting today, middle school teachers will email the parents of students who have work missing from that week.  The purpose of this is to notify you that there is work missing, and to ask you for your help with talking to your middle schooler about taking their work more seriously, and asking if they need help with getting their work done.  If you do not receive a missing-work notification email on Friday, then you may assume that your middle schooler has completed all of their work for the week.  

Gardening - Several students have been busy harvesting from our garden.  Among other items, the Gardening Club will be selling cantaloupes, tomatoes, zucchini, parsley, and basil on Fridays starting at 3:00.  

The Farm - Students have been working on mapping the property, deciding which animals they would like to work with, what work needs to be done, and learning how to feed and handle the chickens.  Also, if you have any construction or gardening tools you do not need, please consider donating them to the farm or gardens.  

Teacher Emails - If you need to reach a member of the middle school staff, the best way is through email.  Please use the following addresses:

Jon Anderson (Principal Educator, Discipline, MS Administration, Social Studies) -
Rodd Baumbach (Science, Math) -
Kathleen Goglin (Language Arts, Drama) -

Thank you for your help with getting the year off to a great start!

- Jon, Rodd, and Kathleen

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back To School Dance!

Hey everyone! Ditch your usual Friday night game shows and come to Sedona Charter's Back To School Dance! Whether your going with friends, a date, alone, or with any other human being it's something you surely don't want to miss. Don't miss out on the music, the dancing, the food. It's only a car ride away to Keep Sedona Beautiful where the student council has set up the first dance of the year. Don't just read about the fun, go to it!
Where: Keep Sedona Beautiful.
When: Friday, September 2, 2011. From 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
What: Semi-Formal. (Dresses and nice shirts.)
Who: You!
Check out the pictures on the Sedona Charter MS Site.