Friday, September 2, 2011

2 September 2011 MS Announcements

Dear Middle School Families,

It has been an exciting, and very busy start to the year.  Aside from classes and several other activities, Middle Schoolers have been settling into their new schedules, contributing to the Sedona Charter School community through service work, harvesting crops from our gardens, and even learning how to handle chickens at the farm.  We are happy to have a great group of young people to work with this year; excited about the progress they have made so far; and are looking forward to what the next 8 months have in store for our community.  

The technology elective class is almost finished with the Middle School Blog.  The blog will serve as our main way of making important announcements and to communicate with you about what the Middle Schoolers have been up to.  In the next week or two, you will receive an email with a link to the blog.  In the meantime, please be aware of the following announcements:

Missing Work - Unfortunately, some students are falling into the habit of not completing their assignments.  Students have at least 4 hours of work-session time each week to complete their assignments, which should be enough time for them to complete all of their work at school.  If students are not turning in assignments, it is usually because they are not using their work-sessions effectively.  We are working hard to help our students make the most of their time at school, but if they choose not to complete all of their work at school they are expected to bring it home.  If after work-sessions and homework a student is still not completing his/her work on-time, we will be notifying you on a weekly basis and will ask for your help in addressing the problem.  Starting today, middle school teachers will email the parents of students who have work missing from that week.  The purpose of this is to notify you that there is work missing, and to ask you for your help with talking to your middle schooler about taking their work more seriously, and asking if they need help with getting their work done.  If you do not receive a missing-work notification email on Friday, then you may assume that your middle schooler has completed all of their work for the week.  

Gardening - Several students have been busy harvesting from our garden.  Among other items, the Gardening Club will be selling cantaloupes, tomatoes, zucchini, parsley, and basil on Fridays starting at 3:00.  

The Farm - Students have been working on mapping the property, deciding which animals they would like to work with, what work needs to be done, and learning how to feed and handle the chickens.  Also, if you have any construction or gardening tools you do not need, please consider donating them to the farm or gardens.  

Teacher Emails - If you need to reach a member of the middle school staff, the best way is through email.  Please use the following addresses:

Jon Anderson (Principal Educator, Discipline, MS Administration, Social Studies) -
Rodd Baumbach (Science, Math) -
Kathleen Goglin (Language Arts, Drama) -

Thank you for your help with getting the year off to a great start!

- Jon, Rodd, and Kathleen

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